STOP Avoiding, START Thriving: The EASIEST Way To Feel Great

Hey, you! Yes, you—the one scrolling through this post because you’re lowkey avoiding the tasks you know you should do.

As a student with assignment after assignment living in a world that promotes “hustle culture”, I completely understand. 

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According to Psychology Today, avoidance provides temporary relief from uncomfortable feelings. Studies, like one from Behaviour Research and Therapy, show that avoidance coping (basically, dodging problems instead of dealing with them) can make anxiety worse in the long run. 

However, knowing that avoidance is bad, doesn’t make it much easier to stop.

Let’s break it down. You’re not lazy, and you’re definitely not incapable. It’s just anxiety whispering in your ear, telling you to avoid that task because it feels too big or too scary. So, what happens next? You procrastinate, binge-watch something on Netflix, and feel even worse afterward. Sound familiar?

But here’s the deal—acknowledging this pattern is the first step toward breaking it. And once you do, you’ll start to see that you have the power to turn things around.

person holding pencil near laptop computer

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

1. Recognize the Avoidance Loop 🤔

First things first, you need to catch yourself in the act. Notice when you’re reaching for your phone or finding something—anything—to do besides that task. It’s like your brain is hiding under the covers. Recognize it, call it out, and remind yourself that this is anxiety talking, not you.

2. Break It Down, while Focusing on Quality

Big tasks feel scary because, well, they’re big and energy-consuming. So, break them down. Instead of thinking, “I have to finish this entire project,” try, “I’m going to spend 20 minutes researching this project.” 

gray concrete staircase with green and white textile

Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash

Smaller steps feel manageable, and build momentum. Research even suggests that taking these small, manageable steps can reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed, which helps lower anxiety. 

3. Celebrate the Small Wins 🙌🏆

Did you start the task? High five! Did you work on it for 10 minutes? You’re on fire! These small wins matter. They shift your focus from what you haven’t done to what you have accomplished. And that positive reinforcement? It’s a game changer 🏆

The #1 New York Times Bestselling book Atomic Habits by James Clearly emphasizes that making tasks satisfying is a key to helping you achieve with a smile on your face. To make something satisfying, you can treat yourself to a nice smoothie or latte, cross it off your checklist, or anything else to make yourself feel good!

man in white dress shirt sitting beside woman in black long sleeve shirt

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

4. Remember, Perfection Is a Myth

Anxiety often convinces us that if we can’t do something perfectly, we shouldn’t do it at all… 

🚨Newsflash: perfection is an illusion. Start messy, but just start. The only thing worse than doing something imperfectly is not doing it at all. In fact, aiming for “good enough” instead of perfection can reduce stress and make tasks seem more achievable. 

Focus on each individual step, and you can make greatness along the way 🙂

Good Vibes Only sand text

Photo by Ashley Whitlatch on Unsplash

5. Talk It Out 🎙️✍️

When in doubt, talk it out.

Sometimes just saying your worries out loud to a friend, a parent, or even writing them down can take away their power. You’ll often find that the thing you were avoiding isn’t as terrifying once it’s out in the open.

You may receive advice, learn a revelation about yourself, and enjoy conversing 

woman sitting on the chair

Photo by Jessica Da Rosa on Unsplash

8. Listen to You First 🎧👂🙉

Oftentimes, a little voice in the back of our head will tell us what we are avoiding. But, it’s easy to block it out, and look for help, consuming repetitive self-help content.

Focus on taking note of what your inner voice tells you. For example, I realized that I didn’t want to dig deep within myself to grow, so I kept consuming, listening to podcasts as I did laundry, or watching TV even though I didn’t really want to.

woman in white and black polka dot shirt holding blue and white book

Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

But, I decided to listen to myself and meditate, guided by my own thoughts and realized that I was avoiding doing inner work. That’s when I knew I wanted to write this for you. So, I encourage you to explore where you feel stuck, because you may just be scared to take the next step!

Feeling inspired? Awesome. You’ve got the tools, the awareness, and the strength to face your anxiety head-on. And remember, it’s okay to take baby steps. Progress is progress, no matter how small.

If you found this helpful, stick around. There’s more where that came from! Let’s navigate this crazy journey together—one step at a time.

You’ve got this. 🌟 Ready for more tips on dealing with anxiety and staying on top of your goals? Subscribe to the blog and get all the latest posts straight to your inbox!

Much love,

Meredith 💗