“Control Your Controls”: Open This to Optimize Your Power

Hi friends!

Recently, my foot has been bothering me when I go on runs. As a three-season competitive runner, that’s been frustrating. I’m sure you can relate, whether it’s an injury, a bad grade, or a friendship tension. 

It’s a universal struggle: facing things we didn’t directly cause. But here’s the twist I’ve been leaning into: control your controls. Sounds simple, right? This approach won’t make every issue disappear right away, but it will help you take back your power.

Photo by Mike L on Unsplash

Imagine you’re prepping for that looming Math exam, and no matter how many nights you’ve stayed up, some of those problems just refuse to click. What’s your instinct? Panic? Let self-doubt creep in? Flip it. 

What if you focused only on what you can actually control? Not the tricky problems themselves but maybe your study space, the methods you’re using, or even how much sleep you’re getting to stay sharp.

Photo by David Suarez on Unsplash

Life’s best moves come down to this choice of channeling energy where it matters—where you decide it matters. If you’re not going to control other people’s opinions, relationship dynamics, or every random variable thrown at you, let’s refocus on what you can control: your habits, your effort, your mindset. Whether it’s how you fuel yourself before practice or the way you handle school stress, you get to set the narrative.

So, here’s the challenge: over the next week, whenever you feel that frustration bubbling up, ask yourself, “What can I control here?” Think small but powerful: shift one habit, start one new technique, or stop doing that one thing that drains you. Make a mental list of these “controllables” and keep them at the ready.

Photo by Melanie Kreutz on Unsplash

In order to implement these valuable techniques, try one of these journaling prompts!

  1. How can I make the most out of today?
    • Think about how you can approach your day: when will you do your homework? What about self-care?
  2. What is one thing in my life right now that I can control?
    • Think of something small and actionable. Describe it. How can you double down on it today?
  3. How can I improve my environment to support my goals?
    • Whether it’s organizing your study space or creating a relaxing bedtime routine, identify one area to optimize.
  4. What have I been trying to control that’s really outside of my control?
    • Let go of one of these “energy zappers” for today and see how it feels.
  5. What habits can I build to keep myself focused on my goals?
    • Start with one that will set a strong foundation for you—maybe something as simple as drinking more water or setting a time limit for social media.

Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

Remember, the power isn’t in controlling everything—it’s in knowing what you can control and building from there. Happy journaling!

Much love,
